You are invited to attend:


Summer Charity Fundraiser in Aid of Sensory Kids NI!


DATE: Wednesday 29th May
 TIME: 6pm-9pm
LOCATION: Ruby 67 Boutique 
67a Whappstown Road
BT42 3DB

Our Summer Fashion Event to raise money for Sensory Kids NI; to help them raise funds to buy equipment for children with sensory needs. Such an amazing cause & we know that equipment is expensive! Our Warehouse is open to the public for one night ONLY!


🎀 The Hair & Beauty Spot, Moorfields will be showcasing Bellamianta Tan & Polished London Teeth Whitening.

🎀 Laura Porter will be showcasing Doterra Oils - how Essential Oils can benefit your lifestyle!

🎀 We will also have EXCLUSIVE PROMOTIONS on the night off all Ruby 67 purchases!

💕 Everyone is invited so bring your friends!

Light Refreshments will be provided!

Please RSVP to Ruby 67 Boutique - send us a PM to let us know you are coming!

Everyone WELCOME!

We look forward to seeing you there to raise money for Sensory Kids NI! 

Ruth & Ruby 67 Boutique Team 


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